ࡱ> ')( Mbjbj 6$M``(/111111\ Z11FvvvR/v/vv:o,VwضH. \0.X!vX!X!Hv11vX!` i: ACPAC Recommendations for Improving Internal IUP Communications Tools (draft for consideration, Dec. 2008) Summary of the Problem Reliance on mass emailing and sending attachments to rudimentary, university-wide distribution lists results in inefficient internal communication. Addressing the Problem EMAIL: Improve Efficiency, Specificity, and Configurability of Email Distribution Lists IT establish and configure (parallel to the current faculty/staff/manager/emp distribution lists) an all-employee distribution list for the purpose of circulating informal announcements, discussion, and non-iup business; HYPERLINK "mailto:EMP-discussion@iup.edu" \t "_blank"IUPEMPL-discussion@iup.edu Similar suggestions have been made on this front; however, university management has made a decision to not have parallel lists of university employees with different subscription policies. Ultimately this is the University Relations Communications Office decision. 2.) The "IUPEMPL-discussion" list be made available with a user configurable (none, daily, hourly, or message-count) digest function; that it be configured with a submission limit of 2-posts per day, per author; that it accept only authenticated HYPERLINK "http://iup.edu/" \t "_blank"iup.edu emails Same answer as item 1. In addition, limiting the number of e-mails from a given sender to 2 per day is actually an impediment to efficient communication. Further, it is currently the belief of university management to make the best effort to deliver messages to official lists as fast as possible, rather than slow down the delivery with the suggested digest options. For example, the sender would never know when their message was delivered to the user given different configurations. 3.) All current and future, mandatory distribution lists (emp-faculty, emp-mgr, etc.) be enabled with user-configurable (none, daily, hourly, or message-count) digest functions; The mandatory distribution lists are produced such that they deliver as soon as possible, as directed by university management. It could be argued that it would not make communication more efficient if the sender never knew if their message would be delivered on best effort, hourly or via message count. 4.) Additional distribution lists be created, where not existing, for college, office, and academic-departmental and program memberships; that these be automatically generated and populated, with digest options as above; that all members of those units be granted authoring authority; Detailed specifications would need to be created to define the various lists. In addition, there are some lists already generated with the groupings suggested. For the new lists, the data must be capable of supporting the breakdown that is suggested and exceptions must be addressed. If specifications for collecting the appropriate e-mail address are defined, then the lists can be created. Again, many would consider the suggested digest options an impediment to efficient communication. SHARED WORKSPACE: Provide a suitable alternative to distribution of email attachments 5.) That an appropriate APCAC subcommittee be created and/or tasked with evaluating the need for and recommending an institutional workspace technology (Sharepoint, Socialtext, etc.); the workspace should include versioning, access control, and produce RSS feeds; ACPAC would need to vote to create this subcommittee being sure to include appropriate technology operations team and IT Services members as needed to assist in creating the specifications for the service. This type of service could be a benefit to the university community if the specifications can be well defined. EVENTS: Reduce access barriers for authoring of web events for news and calendar 6.) The IUP web team design or purchase; and implement an email-to-web content-submission application; that it be integrated with LDAP-authenticated user names, enabling all teaching and non-teaching faculty to submit information items DIRECTLY to the appropriate departmental news feeds. It is believed that this capability already exists. ACPAC should check with the IUP Web Team. MANAGE: Provide and support faculty, staff, and student feed management 7.) That an appropriate ACPAC subcommittee be created and/or tasked with recommending the parameters for the design or adoption of a standard, IUP-based, user-configurable RSS feed reader with web interface. University Relations has prioritized a project for IT Services to review various options for RSS feed readers and the project is underway by IT Services to make a recommendation to UR. //communications-proposal-draft-2008-11-13.odf K.S. 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