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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,d   + G Minutes Title\ (0<|     LTEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenad   + G Minutes Title(PXd p x    EktContentID64EktContebledEktShowEvents C &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17407e@Ƽt@ r'5&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of November 8, 2005&lt;/p&gt; {`  bjbjFF 4.,,<<<< H$v!2xxxxxxxx  $"h%N!xx!xx0!xx  rT xl <"5  F!0v!C z^%^% ^% $x&|dxxx!! xxxv! XX Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, November 8, 2005 16A Leonard Hall I. Call to Order: 3:15 PM Present: Craig, Hannibal, Kabala, Kostelnik, Martin, McCombie, Numan, Pankaj, Peterson, Scandrett, Sechrist, Staszkiewicz, Wheeler Excused: Barnacle, Sadler Absent: Flickinger Guest: Fredalene Bowers II. On a Hannibal/Kostelnik motion, the October 18, 2005 minutes were approved with two corrections. III. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist shared two documents with the committee. The first was a request for clarification of the procedures regarding the approval of discipline-specific honors programs. The second was a response from the University-Wide Graduate Committee (UWGC) regarding the course syllabus amnesty proposal the UWUCC has been discussing. Each of these were to be discussed, time allowing, once the curriculum proposals from this meeting had been addressed. Honors College Committee Report: No report Liberal Studies Committee report was accepted as submitted on a Scandrett/Martin motion. For information: Approved Dr. Ian Duckles, Philosophy Department for Type I writing status - professor commitment Approved Dr. Sarah Wheeler, Political Science Department for Type I writing status - professor commitment Approved LBST 499 The Mayas: Culture, Literature and Numbers, Dr. Francisco Alarcn, Mathematics Department and Dr. Lydia Rodriquez, Spanish Department. For action: Approved the revised Liberal Studies component for the B.S. in Interior Design. A. 05-6a BS in Child and Family Studies, program revision & program title change and catalog description change (was BS - Child Development/Family Relations) 05-6b CDFR 322 Early Care and Education, course number, title and prerequisite change (was CDFR 422 Early Childhood Education) 05-6c CDFR 310 Advanced Child Development, course number and prerequisite change (was CDFR 418) 05-6d CDFR 323 Family Issues, course number and prerequisite change (was CDFR 424) 05-6e CDFR 410 Infant Development, course number and prerequisite change (was CDFR 317) 05-6f CDFR 428 Family Dynamics, course number and prerequisite change (was CDFR 324) 05-6g CDFR 429 Teaching in Child Development Centers, course number and prerequisite change (was CDFR 419) 05-6h CDFR 321 Preschool Education: Developmentally Appropriate Practices, prerequisite change 05-6i CDFR 426 Techniques of Parent Education, prerequisite change 05-6j CDFR 463 Family and the Community, prerequisite change Dr. Bowers, from the Child Development and Family Relations program joined the committee to describe the program changes being proposed and to respond to questions. Some minor editorial corrections were identified. After a good discussion regarding the purpose for the various changes being proposed, the entire set of proposals was given provisional approval on a Kostelnik/Wheeler motion pending the receipt of the revised version. 05-9 MKTG 442 Social Cause Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations, new course The following issues were identified: The introductory sentence in the course description needs to be edited There is a need to change the class attendance policy to the generic policy Course objectives should be reviewed to insure they are at appropriate level. Most currently begin with understand Bibliography is not presented in a standard format and appears to lack more current entries. Number of class hours is wrong (too many) Dr. Sechrist will communicate these issues to Dr. Bebko. Assuming these changes are made and acceptable to Dr. Sechrist, the proposal was conditionally approved on a Staszkiewicz/Martin motion. Note: After communicating with Dr. Bebko, it was discovered that she had received similar feedback from the screening committee in April and had revised the proposal then. The committee was given the old version by the screening committee, so the approval was marked APP on the docket. 05-21a. BS in Communications Media, program revision The committee commented on how well this proposal was written. The program revision was approved on a Scandrett/Craig motion. 05-21b. COMM 410 Media Promotion, new course It was suggested that the objectives might be strengthened by changing the verb understands to something of a higher level. Dr. Martin, from the screening committee, indicated that the department had made the changes asked and that there was more communication between the Communications Media Dept. and the Journalism Dept. than was presented in the proposal. Provisional approval was given on a Peterson/Kostelnik motion. Honors Programs and the approval process The committee reviewed the communication from the Honors College in response to questions from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Curriculum Committee about the approval process for Honors Tracks. Essentially, the UWUCC reinforces the practice that Department/College honors programs should contain at least 12 credits of honors coursework and that the Honors College Committee should work with departments/colleges during development, review the program proposals, and submit its recommendation to the UWUCC for action. Graduate Committee reactions to the Course Syllabus Amnesty Concept The committee reviewed the reactions of the UWGC regarding the philosophy behind an official course syllabus and the idea of a syllabus amnesty. Highlights of which were: 1) that the Graduate Committee has a different philosophy about a syllabus of record, 2) they do not use an old syllabus of record for course revisions, 3) their view is that good graduate courses should be constantly revised to make them cutting edge, which would make the establishment of a generic syllabus of record a futile process, 4) they would prefer instead of a data base of a current semesters instructor syllabi for each course, and 5) they suggested a moratorium on the syllabus of record moratorium until a new provost is in place. While it was the belief of the UWUCC that it could act independently of the UWGC with regard to this approach, no formal conclusion was reached. Adjourned at 5:10 PM Respectfully Submitted Mark Staszkiewicz DTUefgj{" # u;YZe@   ՝hrXh;CJaJ h"`hh;hI!h;5 h*h; hQ:h;hw@2 ;Title$a$5\.;Ufg$8RS* ko: } o p - y L v w Z[AB34xyIJ  0@0@0@0@0@0@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g 0g@0g 0g@0g 0g 0g 0g@0g 0g@0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g@0g@0g@0g 0g@0g@0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g@0g@0g@0g@0g 0g@0g@0g@0g 0g@0g@0g@0g 0g@0g@0g@0g 0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g 0g00000*@0T@ 0T@ 0T@ 0TB 0 T @00 00     6n6n6Dn6n6Dn6n6n6n6Lj6n6n6DnjjKR||   ooQY  B*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region8 *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity9 *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType= *urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName    ,6AJen ;BBI* 3 *^c)- 33HC>,$p g Dgx0uvIrO 0^`0o(. 88^8`hH. L^`LhH.   ^ `hH.   ^ `hH. xLx^x`LhH. HH^H`hH. ^`hH. L^`LhH.88^8`o(. ^`hH.  L ^ `LhH.   ^ `hH. xx^x`hH. HLH^H`LhH. ^`hH. ^`hH. 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