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Excused: Samuels, Scandrett II. On a Hannibal/Craig motion, the September 19, 2006 minutes were approved as corrected. Co-ChairТs Report A special topic one-credit course HRIM 281 Introduction to the Gaming Industry question was received from the RegistrarТs Office. They were concerned because there is an established course, HRIM 350, which is a three-credit course that already exists with a very similar course title and description. On behalf of the committee, Wheeler will ask the HRIM department if a distinction exists, and she will explain that the committee received this inquiry from the RegistrarТs Office. The registrarТs office also had questions about the reactivation of the CHIN prefix for instruction of the Chinese language. For some years Chinese had been taught under the CRLG (Critical Languages) prefix, but CHIN is on the inactive list. Items for Review/Possible Action: Honors College Committee Report: No Report Liberal Studies Committee Report A draft of the Undergraduate Curriculum Framework was presented and discussed. After it is presented at a number of other forums and possibly revised, it will be represented to the UWUCC again for further comments, discussion, potential revision and approval. For information: Approved LBST 499 Humor and Society, Dr. Nancy Bell, Department of English. 06-11 BS in EducationЧMathematics Education, program revision. On a Sadler/McCombie motion the proposal was approved. Stoudt abstained. 06-12 FDNT/HPED/NURS 143, catalog description change. On a Barnacle/Hannibal motion the proposal was approved. All approved. 06-7d Spanish for Elementary Education concentration, delete concentration. This proposal will need to go to the Teacher Education Coordinating Council (TECC) before it can be considered by the UWUCC. 06-10 BIOL 270/ENVH 270 Food Protection and Safety, new course. On a Stoudt/Barnacle motion, it was approved by all to table this proposal until the questions and concern below are addressed: 1) Hospitality Management should be notified of this proposal since that department has a course that appears to cover much of the same material. 2) What is the anticipated number of students who will be required to take the course? 3) Will the resources exist to meet the need? 4) When the FDNT department makes the indicated changes to their program, will the Biology department have sufficient resources to cover the additional projected students? The meeting was adjourned at 4:50. Respectfully submitted, Sarah Wheeler ┘ ь Є °Ї°ЇhF~ПhF~ПCJaJHduvНО + , П Р в е И Й } ~ а Ўёёьъ▄╓╓╨ъ╞ъ╕ъ╓╓╓ъ╕ & F ╞8╨Д╚√`Д╚√ Д╨Д0¤^Д╨`Д0¤Д╨`Д╨Д╨^Д╨ & F ╞8╨Д╚√`Д╚√ & F$a$$ ╞ьa$■а ┴ ╤ ╥ є Ў _`ыьlm║9yz·√№Р┼ЄьъЄф┘┘┘╙╞ъ╞ъ╞└╞ъ└└└└└Дє^Дє & FДєД▌¤^Дє`Д▌¤Д8^Д8 ╞╨ьД8^Д8 ╞╨Д╨^Д╨ & FДьДф¤^Дь`Дф¤┼╞щъы∙ЇЄьььь ╞` & FД╨^Д╨,1Рh░╨/ ░р=!░"░ь#Р$Рh%░░╨░╨ Р╨■   ■    ■    !"#$%&■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ■       └F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q■  ц]╤О8└O╣8m0ША08А@HД░ DAV:getcontentlanguageen-us■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0ЇШTаlм╕─░ ╪ЖЬ@@ё @ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH H@H Heading 1$$ & F@&a$5Б\БT@"T Heading 2 & Fдdдd@&[$\$5БCJ$\БaJ$^@^ Heading 3$ & FдЁд<@&5БCJOJQJ\Б^JaJR@R Heading 4$ & FдЁд<@&5БCJ\БaJT@RT Heading 5 & Fдdдd@&[$\$5БCJ\БaJN@N Heading 6 & FдЁд<@&5БCJ\БaJ@@@ Heading 7 & FдЁд<@&F@F Heading 8 & FдЁд<@&6Б]БT @T Heading 9 & FдЁд<@&CJOJQJ^JaJDA@Є бD Default Paragraph FontVi@є │V  Table Normal :V Ў4╓4╓ laЎ (k@Ї ┴(No List 2>@Є2 Title$a$5Б\БHS@H Body Text Indent 3 Дь^ДьNg@вN HTML TypewriterCJOJPJQJ^JaJHЩ@"H  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJTC@2T Body Text Indent ╞╨Д╨Д0¤^Д╨`Д0¤     HduvНО+,ПРвеИЙ}~а┴╤╥єЎ_`ыьlm║9yz·√№Р ┼ ╞ щ ъ ы    Ш0ААШ0АААШ0ААА0АААШ0АdАШ 0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ 0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ 0АdАШ 0~dАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ 0~dАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ 0~dАШ0АdАШ 0~dАШ0АdАШ 0~dАШ0АdАШ 0~dАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ0АdАШ 0АdАhО0АhО0АhО0АhО0АhО0А а ┼    ┐ъхtц└ъхd}┴ъхtх┬ъх4х├ъх4цииааз ░░жоо =*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags АPlaceTypeА=*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags АPlaceNameА8*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАCityА9*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАplaceА (Жvz~ГДЗ ciяўp{ 333 рш ООШЩ╡┐%:BKabluxДЛР+,Й╣╝╠═╤▌▌ьэX{ьэЄЄЇЎDF]^mm7899╫ф∙┴ ч ъ     2 F M P ^ _ h { о ╕ └ └ ┴ ─ ┼    ─\u╢Q┌         иqЎ-K╢u         ╞ы.R{ОС          R┬08)°W         %3m=ъ┤         ▀5 eВЙ■ў         ╖0uvмIrO 9─|Ю╠ ┬         hДаДШ■╞а^Да`ДШ■OJPJQJ^J.РhДpДШ■╞p^Дp`ДШ■OJQJ^Jo(ЗhИHoРhД@ ДШ■╞@ ^Д@ `ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИHзЁРhДДШ■╞^Д`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИH╖ЁРhДрДШ■╞р^Др`ДШ■OJQJ^Jo(ЗhИHoРhД░ДШ■╞░^Д░`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИHзЁРhДАДШ■╞А^ДА`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИH╖ЁРhДPДШ■╞P^ДP`ДШ■OJQJ^Jo(ЗhИHoРhД ДШ■╞ ^Д `ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИHзЁД8Д0¤╞8^Д8`Д0¤o(.ДаДШ■╞а^Да`ДШ■o(.В ДpДL ╞p^Дp`ДL ЗhИH.А Д@ ДШ■╞@ ^Д@ `ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДДШ■╞^Д`ДШ■ЗhИH.В ДрДL ╞р^Др`ДL ЗhИH.А Д░ДШ■╞░^Д░`ДШ■ЗhИH.А ДАДШ■╞А^ДА`ДШ■ЗhИH.В ДPДL ╞P^ДP`ДL ЗhИH.hДаДШ■╞а^Да`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИH╖ЁРhДpДШ■╞p^Дp`ДШ■OJQJ^Jo(ЗhИHoРhД@ ДШ■╞@ ^Д@ `ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИHзЁРhДДШ■╞^Д`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИH╖ЁРhДрДШ■╞р^Др`ДШ■OJQJ^Jo(ЗhИHoРhД░ДШ■╞░^Д░`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИHзЁРhДАДШ■╞А^ДА`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИH╖ЁРhДPДШ■╞P^ДP`ДШ■OJQJ^Jo(ЗhИHoРhД ДШ■╞ ^Д `ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИHзЁhДаДШ■╞а^Да`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИH╖ЁРhДpДШ■╞p^Дp`ДШ■OJQJ^Jo(ЗhИHoРhД@ ДШ■╞@ ^Д@ `ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИHзЁРhДДШ■╞^Д`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИH╖ЁРhДрДШ■╞р^Др`ДШ■OJQJ^Jo(ЗhИHoРhД░ДШ■╞░^Д░`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИHзЁРhДАДШ■╞А^ДА`ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИH╖ЁРhДPДШ■╞P^ДP`ДШ■OJQJ^Jo(ЗhИHoРhД ДШ■╞ ^Д `ДШ■OJQJo(ЗhИHзЁД8Д0¤╞8^Д8`Д0¤o(.8 ДаДШ■╞а^Да`ДШ■o(ЗhИH.╨Д8ДШ■╞8^Д8`ДШ■5o(ЗhИH. 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