Thanks to additional funding made possible by the IUP Student Cooperative Association, the IUP Chapter of the International Tuba Euphonium Association was able to purchase $800 worth of new music written by underrepresented composers. In all, the organization bought 26 new pieces for the tuba-euphonium ensemble as well as solo pieces for tuba and euphonium.
Classical music composition has historically been dominated by white men. But, there is a growing understanding that there are interesting musical voices to be heard outside of that traditional group. Zach Collins, professor of tuba at IUP, said, “This is an area where I have my own knowledge gap. I have performed the works of several female composers and composers of color, but I know there are many more out there that I am just unaware of. I want to know more, and I want my students to know more. I want students at IUP to have the experience of playing music from composers who are like them. I also want students to play music by composers who are not like them.”
The list of pieces to purchase was compiled by chapter member Anthony Walker, a graduate student in the IUP Department of Music. He researched compositions by previously overlooked as well as up-and-coming underrepresented composers. The chapter bought music by Chanell Crichlow, Kevin Day, Jose Flores, Jennifer Glass, Alice Gomez, Adolphus Hailstork, Cait Nishimura, Jasmine Pigott, Elizabeth Raum, and Barbara York.
The IUP Chapter of ITEA is open to all students who are interested in tuba and euphonium music. Many members also perform in the IUP Tubaphonium Ensemble, which meets for rehearsal on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
The IUP Chapter of ITEA thanks the Student Cooperative Association for sharing these funds, which have been used to enrich the experience of IUP musicians.