Pictured, from left: Megan Babel, of Johnstown, SOAR historian; Dave Berberich, of Indiana, residence director and SOAR advisor; Vince Mercuri, executive director of the Open Door and cochair of Collective Action Against Underage Drinking; Amanda Cowan, of Cranberry Township, crimson assistant for the SOAR floor; and Samantha Kiernan, of Levittown, president of SOAR.
Indiana County's Collective Action Against Underage Drinking group honored IUP for its efforts in promoting messages about the dangers of underage drinking to the community.
Members of the IUP group known as SOAR (Students Opting for Alternative Residence), which promotes responsible choices regarding substance use, participated in a video project about the dangers of underage drinking. Many members of the group live on the SOAR floor, one of several living-learning communities at IUP, of the Suites on Maple East residence hall.
IUP students and officials worked with Collective Action Against Underage Drinking to secure locations on and off campus and participate in filming of the videos.