In Attendance: Asamoah, Blood, Brzycki, Chiarulli, Dadson, Giever, Janosko, Kornfeld, Lenze, McDevitt, McElroy, McFerron, Mocek, O'Neil, Pagnucci,Pankaj, Papakie, Reed, Sherwood, D. Smith, JB Smith, Van Wieren,Woodland, Yost, Yuhas.
Excused: Balint, Branthoover,Kemp, Onyett.
Absent: Gillham.
Approval of Minutes
September 16, 2009 Meeting
Minutes were approved as posted on the ACPAC website.
Co-chairs Report
Financial Report
The current balance in SAPis $-100.96. McFerron will follow up todetermine if an allocation will be made.
Jim Lenze was welcomed as the at-large faculty representative to ACPAC. Likewise, Dave Smith, Computer Science, was welcomed as one of the faculty representatives from Natural Sciences and Mathematics, replacing Ed Donley. With Lynnann Mocek serving as the Graduate Student representative, ACPAC is now at the full membership of 30.
The Faculty Showcase has been announced for 10 Nov 09 from 5:00 until 7:00 in the Crimson Events Center.
The C-CUE Student Technology Forum will be held at Waynesburg University on 19 Mar 2010. More information will be provided soon.
SROC is the Sungard Review Oversight Committee. SROC is sponsoring a demonstration of modules that could potentially be added to the IUP Banner (Sungard) system. Throughout the day on 28 Oct 09, the demonstrations will be held in the Crimson Events Center. Contact JB Smith for additional details.
Standing Reports
Report from the On-Line Learning Subcommittee (Brzycki)
OLC reiterated its recommendations (approved by ACPAC at 16 Sep 09 meeting) to allow non-instructional use of Moodle, instructional use not tied to a specific course, and use of Moodlefor external users.
A second recommendation was approved by ACPAC. OLC recommends that internal e-mail be provided for Moodle.
OLC will develop a process for the evaluation and implementation of contributed modules for Moodle.
Report from the Emerging Technologies Subcommittee (Onyett)
No report.
Report from the Student Operations Group (Pankaj)
McFerron reported that SOG is discussing the successful Banner upgrade, impact of graduating students after Winter Session, and PASSHE Commonalities.
Report from the DE Planning and Work Group (Brzycki)
Dolores reported that the DE Planning and Work Group is meeting every 2-weeks and discussing issues related to increasing the number of distance education courses and programs. The group is working on a vision statement and a strategic plan.
Report from the CIO office (Balint)
No report.
Report from Funds Review Subcommittee (McFerron)
No report.
Report from the Virtual Environments Coordinating Committee (Onyett)
Jim Lenze reported that this committee is working on By-laws. When complete, ACPAC approval for the By-laws will be sought. Two introductory Second Life workshops are being offered this week, in part to allow interested parties to be prepared to participate in a college fair tobe conducted in Second Life.
Report from the Web Advisory Board(Pagnucci)
Board is discussing a means to facilitate death and birth notices and other related information. Gian will follow up about providing this information to Auxmail users. The web team will provide marketing workshops for departments. See: to learn about IUP connections to social media. The need for a portal for distance education was discussed.
Report from Student Computing Subcommittee (McDevitt)
This subcommittee met prior to the ACPAC meeting. The Civility poster is being reviewed and re-issued. Student conduct in labs is being discussed. The results of the survey to students are being analyzed.
Reports from the Action Teams
Student Pictures Team--Smith, Convener
JB is leading the effort to contact student organizations to allow them to inform them of this project. Once sufficient contact is made, ACPAC will need to respond to the President's cabinet to continue with this effort.
Optical Test Scoring Team -- McElroy, Convener
No report.
Digital Repository TeamSherwood, Convener
A recommendationregarding D-space vs. Fedora Commons is anticipated for thenext meeting.
SRS TeamMcFerron, Convener
It is likely that this action can be disbanded in the near future, presuming the rollout of I-click is successful.
E-mail Client Evaluation TeamOnyett, Co-convener
No report.
Training/Professional Development TeamPagnucci/Smith, Conveners
No report.
New Business
Office 2010
This item was deferred to the next meeting.
Old Business
Web-Based Faculty Employment Application
Deferred until next meeting.
Web-Based Faculty Advising of Students
Deferred until next meeting.
Student Portal
Will be discussed in context of the SROC effort.
AOG Recommendation: Windows 7
The proposal from AOG to adopt Windows 7 for Fall 2010 was endorsed by ACPAC.
Review of Technology Guide for Faculty
Gian Pagnucci and Ken Sherwood will complete this review.
Follow up: On-line Music Service
McFerron reported that an on-line music service is available to students to provide resources for production videos and other projects. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM.
Next Meeting:November 11,2009
Prepared by Rick McFerron.