Talk with your advisor to see if your internship will count for credit.
Tuition for credits will be billed.
If internship is being done for experience only and not academic credit, no internship application is necessary.
Find an internship. There are many resources to help find an internship.
Career fairs on campus
Career fairs off-campus
Alumni contacts
Internet search
Emails and social media
Eberly Corporate Relations Office
Eberly digital boards
After securing an internship, you will need the following:
A job offer letter from your employer stating start/end dates and salary (if applicable).
A job description listing your duties as they pertain to your major from employer.
A completed electronic application.
A completed application, including signatures (you obtain) from your department, will then be turned in or emailed to the assistant dean of Eberly College, Jacqueline Saslawski, in Eberly 301.
Turn in the above-mentioned items for your internship to Jacqueline Saslawski in Eberly 301 or email to her at
An internship agreement will be emailed to your employer. You can check on the to see if an agreement already exists with IUP.
Note: Be sure to include your employer's email on your application. Once signed and returned by the employer, your application will be sent to the provost for approval.
After being approved by the provost, you will be registered by the internship office for your credits.
You will be notified of your approval and should obtain a syllabus from your professor for the course.
Note: You will have to follow up with your professor during your internship.
Mandatory Title IX information will be sent to you via email for training certification.
Once Title IX is completed, please submit the certificate via email to
All of these steps must be completed and approved prior to the student doing the internship.