The university recognizes the value of safety inspections and will participate in conducting and reviewing these inspections.Some inspections include
Fire Extinguishers
Lead Paint Handling and Disposal
Some job tasks, usually associated with the skilled trades of painting and plumbing, present potential exposures to sources of lead. Lead is a toxic metal that can cause serious chronic health problems if not controlled to prevent overexposure. EHS provides consultative guidance to supervisors who have employees potentially exposed to lead in the workplace.
This program covers the identification of asbestos-containing building materials (acm) on campus, maintains an inventory of identified materials, provides an operations and maintenance program to ensure that acm is kept in good condition, and oversees the removal and control of asbestos related to construction project. In addition, the program ensures that employees receive the proper level of training commensurate with their job duties related to asbestos.
Carpet Inspection
Sidewalk Inspection
Building Safety Inspection Forms
Pest Management