Thomas McCartyVisual Arts Sculptor
Home Partner: Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art
Phone: 814-886-4221

Artist Bio:

Thomas McCarty received his education from the Gilman School in Art 1, 2, and 3. He has also attended the Touchstone Center for Crafts in the areas of wood sculpture, printmaking, and bird carving.

He has exhibited at the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Mountain Top Gallery, Bedford Fall Foliage Festival, Log House Festival, Sawmill Center for the Arts, and the Touchstone Center. He is also the recipient of the Distinguished Honor Award at the Cambria Designer Craftsmen's Guild Exhibit. Tom has extensive experience with special needs students, including special education, at-risk youth, and incarcerated adults and has conducted over 60 residencies.

Statement by Artist:

"I am a self-taught and self-employed sculptor. Due to a minimal amount of formal art education, my work is unhampered by convention and preconceptions, making it original and alive. I try to incorporate the natural beauty and design of the wood into my artistic statement. My greatest joy comes from seeing students light their creative fires through hands-on work on their own sculpture."
~Thomas A. McCarty