Is your title in ALL CAPS? Did you check spelling of each word?
Does your study title match the original study title on your RTAF? And if not, is it just a change in title that better reflects the content of your study versus a title that reflects a significant topic change in your study?
In the middle section, is "in" on the 3rd line lowercase?
In the bottom section, does your name match the rest of the document, including middle initials vs. middle names?
Do you list your graduation month and year, not defense date? It should only be December, May, or August, plus the year.
Omit any page number on the title page
Does your font size and style match the rest of your document and is it consistent with your style guide? Most style guides recommend Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Copyright Page (this page is optional - disregard if you do not have a copyright page)
Is the information at the bottom of the page?
Do you only list the year after the copyright symbol?
Does your name match your title page, signature page, and abstract, including middle names vs. middles initials?
Do you list All Rights Reserved?
Is the page number at the bottom and centered, using a lowercase Roman numeral ii?
Signature Page
Is this page single spaced?
Only have School of Graduate Studies and Research, omit The prior to School
Do you have the proper department listed?
Does your name match your title page, copyright page (if included), and abstract, including middle names vs. middle initials?
If there is no copyright page, does your page numbering begin on this page, at the bottom, centered, and in lowercase Roman numerals, with ii?
Abstract Page
Omit the word Abstract
Is the top portion single spaced?
Is your title in title case, with only major words (if MLA) and words with 4 or more letters (APA) capitalized?
Does the second line of your title align with the first word of the top line of your title?
Is there a blank line of space before your Dissertation Chair?
Is there a blank line of space before your Committee Members are listed?
Did you replace your committee members' degrees with Dr. or Mr./Ms./Mrs.?
Is the body of your abstract double-spaced?
Is the abstract 150 words for theses or 350 words for dissertations? If more, ProQuest will cut off extra words.
Acknowledgements Page (optional)
Make sure Acknowledgements is not bold or underlined, but is in ALL CAPS
You can do anything you would like in the Acknowledgements section
Table of Contents
Is this section single spaced throughout?
Is TABLE OF CONTENTS in ALL CAPS, but not bold?
Do you have Chapter and Page column headings on each page of your TOC?
Is there at least one tab between the chapter numbers and chapter titles?
Are chapter titles in ALL CAPS?
Is there a blank line of space above and below the chapter title?
Are you using dot leaders (as formatted by Word)? Do not just hold the period button down as this causes a lot of formatting issues. Do not use dashes.
If you are including headings in your TOC, are the first level headings aligned with the chapter title, the second level indented a few spaces, third level indented a few more spaces, etc.?
Do your headings match the capitalization within your document, as defined by your style guide?
Do your headings match word-for-word including punctuation? What is listed in the body of your document? Do not include italics, underlining, or bolding in the TOC.
Do your page numbers match?
Are References/Works Cited in ALL CAPS and under the chapter heading?
Is Appendices in ALL CAPS and under the chapter heading?
Do you list your Appendices as Appendix A - Title, Appendix B - Title, etc. and are they aligned with your other first level headings? Even if you have only one Appendix, this is how it should be formatted.
List of Tables
Is this on its own separate page?
Is LIST OF TABLES in ALL CAPS, but not bolded?
Do you have Table and page column headings on all pages of your LOT?
Are your table numbers separated from your table titles?
Are your table titles in title case with all major words capitalized (if APA, words with 4 or more letters)?
Do long table titles allow approximately one inch between the words and the page number?
Do your table titles match word-for-word what is listed in the text, including capitalization and punctuation?
List of Figures
Is this on its own separate page?
Is LIST OF FIGURES in ALL CAPS, but not bolded?
Do you have Figure and page column headings on all pages of your LOT?
Are your figure numbers separated from your figure captions?
Are your figure captions in sentence case with only the first word and proper nouns capitalized?
Do long figure captions allow approximately one inch between the words and the page number?
Do your figure captions match word-for-word what is listed in the text, including capitalization and punctuation?
Body of Your Document
Is your entire document double-spaced?
Does Chapter 1 begin on page 1?
Chapter numbers and chapter titles are in ALL CAPS and are not considered a level of heading
Omit all extra spacing between paragraphs (right-click on your document, select paragraph, In "Spacing" make sure Before and After each say 0 pt and click on the box that says "Do not add spacing between paragraphs of the same style"
Do you follow your style guide for headings, in-text citations, table and figure formatting, etc.?
References are not in ALL CAPS or bold
Do your references match your chosen style guide?
There should be spaces between initials (APA)
Do not include a title page with APPENDICES
An Appendices header is not needed anywhere above the first Appendix
Format your Appendices as you do the rest of your chapters
If you include tables or figures here, they are not required to be in your LOT/LOF, but they must be properly formatted and cited
Make sure your provide proper documentation and citations for any forms, surveys, or work you used from someone else
Include any and all permissions and email exchanges for use of proprietary information