According to , one in six men will experience sexual assault before the age of 18, and one in 33 men will be the victim of attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.
Know the Facts
Below is a list of facts pertaining to male survivors of violence. This list was adapted from , an organization designed to help men who have experienced violence live healthier, happier lives.
- Boys and men can be victims of violence and it has nothing to do with how masculine they are.
- If a boy liked the attention he was getting, or got sexually aroused during abuse, or even sometimes wanted the attention or sexual contact, this does not mean he wanted or liked being manipulated or abused, or that any part of what happened, in any way, was his responsibility or fault.
- Boys can be sexually abused by both straight men and gay men. Sexual abuse is the result of abusive behavior that takes advantage of a child's vulnerability and is in no way related to the sexual orientation of the abusive person.
- Whether he is gay, straight or bisexual, a boy's sexual orientation is neither the cause or the result of sexual abuse. By focusing on the abusive nature of sexual abuse rather than the sexual aspects of the interaction, it becomes easier to understand that sexual abuse has nothing to do with a boy's sexual orientation.
- Girls and women can sexually abuse boys. The boys are not “lucky,” but exploited and harmed.
- Most boys who are sexually abused will not go on to sexually abuse others.
For more Information
If you have questions or would like to speak to someone about resources for survivors of violence, help is available.
Contact the Haven Project at (724) 357-3947 or the Counseling Center at (724) 357-2621.
You may also contact your local crisis hotline:
Last updated on August 17, 2015