3:30 p.m.
Stabley 101
Present: Y. Asamoah, M. Hildebrandt, K. McKee, D. Pistole, F. Slack, M. Taddie, T. Wacker, G. Wilson, C. Zoni
Excused: R. Rauch
- Approve minutes of 28 January 2010 meeting - Zoni/Wacker motion: Unanimous.
- Provisional, upon requested corrections, one time approval of ENGL 281 Tupac Shakur, Hero with an African Face as a liberal studies course and a Type III writing intensive course. On page 6 the grading rubric for the reflective essays and the writing workshops needs to be addressed. The one column says that they will not be graded while the column % of final grade states that they are each worth 25% of the course grade. Passed, Wilson/Zoni 9/0/0. If the course is turned in again for review we will ask that the syllabus follow the established guidelines for a syllabus of record.
- We discussed the template created by G. Wilson and how it will work with departmental checklists.
- We continued to discuss issues with new curriculum were discussed:
- LBST prefix for First Year Seminar.
- How many hours from a major can count for LS credit - 6 hours?
- How many categories can one LS course count for?
D. Pistole sent a series of website addresses associated with First Year Seminar.
Motion to adjourn: Zoni/McKee, Passed Unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.