3:30 p.m.
Stabley 101
Present: Y. Asamoah, M. Hildebrandt, E.Hwang, D. Pistole, F. Slack, M. Swinker, T. Wacker, G. Wilson
Excused: R. Pavloski, M. Taddie
- Welcome to our two new members: Dr. Mary Swinker, Dean of HHS and Dr. Eun Jin Hwang, HHS representative.
- We will need 3 new student representatives for the LSC this fall - Michelle Taddie, our returning student representative, cannot come to the meetings this fall due to scheduling conflicts but would be willing to serve again in the spring semester if need be.
- Wilson/Asamoah motion to approve the minutes of Summer 2010 - passed 7/0/0.
- Discussion - reducing paper usage - we will test the use of placing proposals on the X drive (Liberal Studied Committee Folder) and attaching them to LS agenda e-mails for the first few weeks of this semester.
- Budget - Swinker/Hildebrandt motion to reduce the contribution from the Liberal Studies Budget to the Lively Arts to $1500 for this year - passed 8/0/0.
- Pistole will find where the language for the $200 LS stipend for teaching a Synthesis course is and report on it at next week's meeting.
- Pistole will e-mail faculty and departmental secretaries to let them know about the file explaining how to fill out the exception for a liberal studies course and that the form is now an editable PDF.
- Discussion of budget and outlook for the current year ensued.
- Wilson/Swinker motion to approve LBST 281 Geeks Bearing Gifts as a special topics course with the following provisions:
- The name of the course needs to be changed and
- the course cannot be taught at the same time as the LBST 499 course (Geeks Bearing Gifts) - Passed 8/0/0
Motion to adjourn: Wilson/Asamoah - Passed Unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm.