3:30 p.m.
Stabley 101
Present: M. Florez, M. Knoch, D. Pistole, , J. Su, M. Swinker, T. Wacker
Excused: Y. Asamoah, M. Hildebrandt, F. Slack, M. Taddie
For Action:
- Motion to approve minutes of 2 December, 2010: Wilson/Su - Passed: Unanimous.
- Writing Proposal: The committee would like revisions to the SPAN 230 Intermediate Spanish Composition and Grammar course before considering it for approval. The requested revisions are:
- The proposal needs a W cover sheet;
- The proposal needs a W rubric;
- In the category of electronic interpersonal messages - explain how these will be
graded (content), how they will be monitored, and the appropriateness of this
assignment as a writing medium; - The class citizenship evaluation needs to be more specific, e.g. how will
cooperation be graded? ]
- Updated the committee on the discussions the director has had with the senate rules committee and the UWUCC chair. There will be an ad hoc committee formed to discuss LSC appointments and revisions of the original LS language.
Motion to Adjourn: Knoch/Florez. Passed: Unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 4:25 pm.