3:30 p.m.
Stabley 101
Present: Y. Asamoah, M. Hildebrandt, E.Hwang, D. Pistole, F. Slack, T. Wacker, G. Wilson
Excused: M. Knoch, M. Swinker, M. Taddie
For Action:
- Wilson/Wacker motion to approve the minutes of the 21 October and 28 October 2010 meetings. Approved - Unanimous.
- SYN 160 LBST 499 Music and Culture around the World - T. Wacker will contact the proposer to discuss some of the committee's concerns and D. Pistole will invite the proposer to a meeting to discuss the issues.
- Asamoah/Hildebrandt motion to approve WI-1 PHYS 101 Energy and Our Environment as a W course with the minor revisions to the course objectives. Passed 6/0/0.
- Wilson/Asamoah motion to approve WI-2 ECED 250 Language Development as a W course. Passed 6/0/0.
- Hildebrandt/Wacker motion to approve the course revision and catalog description change for ARED 317 Art In K-6 Programs and ARED 318 Art in 7-12 Programs. Passed 6/0/0.
For Discussion:
- The committee continued to discuss the results of the provost/president meeting about Liberal Studies: where we are. We discussed issues of resources and reallocations and their impact on implementing the new curriculum.
- The committee began discussion of the questions brought forth from the Senate Rules committee. We will continue the discussion at next week's meeting.
Motion to Adjourn: Wilson/Wacker. Passed: Unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.