Description: Men arrested for domestic violence in Pittsburgh will be screened for mental health disorders at batterer program intake (N=400). Those screening positive on the screening instruments will be randomly assigned to supplemental mental health treatment at WPIC outpatient clinics, as well as be required to attend batterer counseling. The outcome of this clinical trial will be assessed through a one-year follow-up of program compliance, victim reports, and arrest records.

Goal: to describe the mental health disorders and treatment given to batterers, and test the effect of that treatment on batterer program outcomes.

Principal Investigator: Edward Gondolf
Co-Investigator: Edward Mulvey, University of Pittsburgh Medical School

Source of funding: National Institute of Justice, US Dept. of Justice
Type of Study: Evaluation Research
Effort: 25%
Contract length: 3 years
Period: October 2003 to December 2006
Total Amount: $436,000 (an additional $78,000 in patient treatment costs from Staunton Farms Foundation)